How Does COVID-19 Affect? What Changes Happened?
At the end of 2019, the world was shocked by the appearance the new type of corona virus that transmit between humans very quickly. Coronavirus is a groups of viruses that are spread through animals and humans so called as a zoonotic virus. Several types of coronavirus are known to cause infections respiratory tract in humans ranging from coughs colds to more serious ones like Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS). A new type of Coronavirus is found to cause disease COVID-19 (World Health Organization, 2020).
Starting from the city of Wuhan in China, a new type of corona virus (SARS CoV-2) spread to various countries in the world resulting in a pandemic sustainable. This disease has a high spread rate so WHO established COVID-19 as a pandemic on March 11, 2020. Before the existence of the pandemic, there have been various influenza pandemics in the world. In which one of them is swine flu that broke out in 2009. This disease occurs when a new influenza strain (H1N1) spreads throughout the world. While that, the worst case of influenza pandemic in the world occurred during the Spanish flu pandemic in 1918, which caused 50 million deaths worldwide.
Figure 1. Overview of SARS-CoV-2 (/perki/upload/files/corona virus - dasdo for kagama.pdf)
In Indonesia, the government has carried out several related policies tackle this plague. However, there are still violations by a number of parties so new cases continue to grow every day. Some parties are still reluctant to obey health protocols such as lazy to use a mask, move crowd without regard to physical distancing and underestimating behavior washing hands. Therefore, it is necessary to further study the extent of the change what happens after the policies are implemented and how the next strategic step is to foster independence and compliance the public against the health protocol COVID-19. Almost all countries in the world have positive cases of COVID-19. Quoting from, the top country is occupied by the United States which until now (31/5) had a total of 6,087,409 cases out of a total a population of 330,832,890 was followed by Brazil and Russia. Accordingly overall, the world has a total of positive cases of COVID-19 of 5,817,385 confirmed cases which later had 362,705 deaths which is 6.2% mortality.
Meanwhile according to data compiled from the official website of the property Ministry of Health, Indonesia 6.1% of cases died, 27.2% of cases recovered, and 66.7% of cases were currently in care. Previously, there were more people in Indonesia who died than those who recover. Now the numbers are inversely proportional to the case of death smaller than those who recover. Even so the positive cases still continue increased as more people were tested. Now the patient is positive at Indonesia has penetrated 25,773 people (Public Health Emergency Operation Center (PHEOC), RI Ministry of Health)
Because cases are increasing every time, every country is trying seriously take various steps in handling COVID-19. Various the country managed to reduce the growth of COVID-19 positive cases but still there are several countries that are overwhelmed in the face of this pandemic. World as if experiencing half paralysis due to an outbreak of corona virus. The outbreak of this epidemic makes countries implement several policies drastic almost all sectors, such as tightening procedures for the entry of foreign nationals via air transportation, restrictions on domestic flights and internationally, restrictions on community activities and so on.
Various steps to reduce the rate of spread of COVID-19 in Indonesia is one of them, namely keeping the distance stated by Indonesian President Joko Widodo in his speech. We know him by the term social distancing and then change to physical distancing, i.e. do a restriction or keep the distance between people at least 6 feet (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2020). He emphasized that studying, working, and worshiping carried out from each home to reduce the spread reduction COVID-19.
The next step taken is to divert the Wisma Atlet Kemayoran became the Corona Emergency Hospital. Because more and more positive community confirmed COVID-19 and the hospital was prioritized for treating patients with severe symptoms, the Wisma Atlet is devoted to accommodate and treat 3,000 patients who experience mild symptoms. Not only the Wisma Atlet alone, the government is also setting up patient isolation facilities at outside large islands such as Sebaru Island, Thousand Islands & Gadang Island, Batam. This step was adopted by the Mayor of Semarang by juggling Rumah Dinas Walikota is a place of isolation for residents who are categorized PDP (Pasien dalam Pengawasan) COVID-19. This is because the COVID-19 isolation room in the hospital referrals such as RSUP dr. Kariadi has exceeded capacity. As well as other municipal government facilities that have been transformed into isolation houses in each region reach its citizens who must be quarantined. People in various regions too start closing the driveway and spraying disinfectant in a way periodically from house to house.
Then the government imported medical devices from China such as Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), surgical masks, N95 masks and rapid tests. Since positive cases have jumped dramatically in Indonesia, medical staff are overwhelmed in treating patients due to the limited supply of PPE and masks.
As one of the efforts to detect initial indications whether someone is infected with COVID-19 or not, the government also imported rapid test equipment. Government too prioritize areas that according to the mapping data have a risk and risk cooperating with laboratories appointed by Ministry of Health thus makes the inspection time faster and effective and providing social assistance to people who are unable to helping them to keep up with their daily needs is also done government both at central and regional levels.
To support it all, the Government provides official services can be accessed on the website of the Ministry of Health. This site is about COVID-19 along with its development both globally, regionally and locally so minimize public fear of this COVID-19.
No matter how well defined steps, if there is no feed the return of each element in it will be zero. There are still many violations policy by several parties. This is indicated by the presence of an office who tells his workers to remain present in the office despite appeals work from home policy has been implemented. Some people choose return to their hometown even though they are from the red zone. A number people who still consider this plague to be ordinary and trivial health protocols such as mask use, hand washing behavior with soap and running water and refusal to physical distancing.
The distance keeping policy is different from lockdown. Because if the government lockdown will have long-term consequences slowing economic production activities. The Indonesian Ministry of Finance, Sri Mulyani also announced on one occasion that the rupiah exchange rate against United States dollar (US) has the potential to weaken up to Rp20,000 per US dollar due to the COVID-19 outbreak. This resulted in many countries experiencing currency pressure.
The quality of health care facilities also needs attention, especially because it has a very vital function in handling COVID-19. Based on data from the Ministry of Health, there are 2,889 hospital units throughout Indonesia at April 2020. Total available beds reached 317,442 units or 1.2 units per 1,000 population. This capacity is lower than in countries with the Covid-19 case high, such as the United States (US), China, Italy, South Korea, and Malaysia.
It is undeniable that all elements of society have a role which influence and impact each other. Both the government, medical and health personnel, scientists, and the community if they shoulder to shoulder- helping together can have a big impact. Government as a protector of citizens, guarantees that all efforts will be made to keep pressing the rate of adding new cases of COVID-19. Government officials maintain the sovereignty and discipline of all citizens to continue to obey health protocol COVID-19. Medical and health personnel are interrelated completes providing promotive, preventive and curative efforts. Starting from educating people about COVID-19, implementing health protocols, and caring for patients. Scientists research more closely related to COVID-19 and find a vaccine or medicine. Then the people who help each other help ease the burden on relatives who are affected economically and others.
Figure 2. Coronavirus Poster (